Neon White All Collectible Locations (All Gift Locations)

In this guide we will show you where to find all gifts in every level of Neon White. Just keep in mind that you will have to finish each level once before you can find the gift in that level!

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Mission 1: Rebirth

Movement: Found on the pillars to the left of the end of the level. you can get to these pillars by jumping from the circle of water that goes around the end point.

Pummel: Place a pruple bomb from the Purify card in the corner to the left in the area where you pick up the purple cards, then use it to get to the platform with the gift on it.

Gunner: First pick up 3 Purify cards (purple cards) then turn around after the 3rd card where you can see a pillar to your right. Use a bomb to get up there, then use another bomb to jump towards the tall pillar with the gift on it. Finally use a 3rd bomb in mid air close to the pillar to reach the gift.

Cascade: Once you get to the half-circle water platform, go to the end and jump across to the right where you can find 4 pillars. Double jump up to the pillar with the gift on it by using an Elevate card (yellow card).

Elevate: First slash the chest to get your first elevate card, then kill the first demon to get a 2nd elevate card. Now jump and discard one elevate card to get to the next platform (as well as getting another elevate card). Next you will have to turn to your left and double jump up to the first tower, then jump and discard to get to the second tower where you will find the gift.

Bounce: Can be found under the platform where the first elevate card is. Just drop off the side after getting the card and then discard to get the gift.

Purify: Pick up the 2 purify cards next to the first group of demons, then shoot the lone demon on the wall (just past the first group of demons). Now place a bomb on the top of the small pillar behind where the lone demon was to get to the high platform above the finish point. Here place another bomb on the ground to get to the highest platform where the gift is found.

Climb: Found above the finish point. Just use a purify bomb at the red wood to reach it.

Fasttrack: You will first have to get to the finish point area with 2 purify cards as well as the elevate card (all these cards will be on the main path). Now from the finish point platform double jump with the elevate card to the platform in the distance, then use the 2 purify bombs to reach the top of the tall pillar with the gift on it.

Glass Port: At the end of the level, use an elevate card to double jump up to the small square building to the right of the finish point is (just above the yellow enemy that drops the elevate card). Now make your way to the top of the big building with 3 purify bombs to find the gift.

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Mission 2: Killer Inside

Take Flight: After killing the 2 yellow demons you should have 2 elevate cards and 1 purify card. Turn around and use 1 elevate card to get to the triangle roof. Now use a bomb and then an elevate to get to the gift.

Godspeed: After picking up the 4th godspeed card, turn around and jump up to the wall. Now make your way around to the left where you will be able to jump up to a triangle roof. Soon after you will be on top of a tower where you will want to use the godspeed card to dash to the gift.

Dasher: Use 1 elevate card and then a dash from a godspeed card from where the 2nd large demon is to reach the roof with the gift on it.

Thrasher: Can be found under the platform where the final yellow enemy is, you will want to drop off the side, use a godspeed dash and the quickly use the elevate jump to reach it.

Outstretched: Where you find the first blue demon, look left and jump up to the railing and use the godspeed card to reach the far platform where the gift is found.

Smackdown: First you will have to get to the finish point area with 2 elevate cards, you can do this by killing the yellow enemies and by getting one from the vending machine. Once at the end area you will want to go right and jump on to the wall, then make your way all around the back until you can see the gift in the tall tower to your left. Now use 2 elevate cards to reach it.

Catwalk: Go around the right side of the building with the red wood, then bounce off the round demon as you turn around and dash back into the building where the red wood was to get the gift.

Fastlane: As soon as you bounce of the final round demon (just before the red door) turn around and use the godspeed card to dash to the gift.

Distinguish: As soon as you pick up the 2nd godspeed card, turn around and go to where the water starts on this same platform. From the left of the tree jump and dash to the gift.

Dancer: Make your way through the level saving up 3 godspeed cards until you kill the first yellow enemy to get an elevate card. Then turn around and make your way back to the building where you broke the red wood. Here look left and use the 3 godspeed cards to reach the bottom part of the tower. Once inside use the elevate card to climb to the staird where you will be able to get the gift at the top.

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Mission 3: Only Shallow

Guardian: Use an elevate or a purity card to get to the roof above the second head demon to find the gift on top.

Stomp: After breaking the first red floor, try and land on the middle part of the slopped roof. Now fall on to the arch window and then finally fall to the gift.

Jumper: Pick up the elevate card and jump off to the left where the first chest is. Then use the elevate card to get the gift found at the top of the tower.

Dash Tower: After killing the second head demon and yellow demon, get a godspeed card from the vending machine to the left (you should now have 1 godspeed and 1 elevate card). Turn aroudn 180º from the vending machine and dash across to the left where you can see some vines, then quickly jump up to the gift with the elevate card.

Descent: Kill the first green enemy and then stomb through the wood to get a godspeed card from the chest, then kill the second green enemy (you should now have 1 godspeed card & 2 stomp cards). Now drop down to the left of the 2nd green enemy to the lower part of the tower, then dash through the wooden barrier (also destroying the wood on the floor the other side), then use the 2 stomps to break the wood on the ground to get the gift.

Driller: Turn around at the very start and drop down the middle hole to find the gift.

Canals: You will have to get to the long water platform with 3 elevate cards (there are 2 vending machines just beofore this area if you need them). Now shoot the final set of barrels while you are on top of them, turn around and land on the small arch above the water platform with a barrel and 2 enemies. Here stand on the barrel and shoot it to boost yourself up, then use the 3 elevate cards to reach the tower with the gift.

Sprint: Get all the way to the pillar where the final blue enemy is (just before the end of the level) and use the barrels to get up to your left. Now dash across to the other building and then dash to the building to your left where you can find the gift.

Mountain: After acumulating 3 stomp cards, jump off the front of the building an turn around. Wait until you see a little entrance to the left of the building (your left as you look at the building). Once inside use all 3 stomp cards to get the gift.

Superkinetic: After the head demon you will see a plank of wood on your left, at this point you will need to have 3 godspeed cards & 1 elevate card. Use the elevate card to get up to the building with the triangle roof next to the planks of wood. Then use the 3 godspeed cards from the very peak of the building to get to the tower with the gift on it.

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Mission 4: The Old City

Arrival: After using the barrels where the head demon is, land on the red wood at the top of the tower. From here use a godspeed card to reach the arch with the gift on it.

Forgotten City: Make sure you have 1 godspeed card at the end of the level. Jump on to the planks of wood right next to the finish point and dash to the tower with the gift.

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Mission 5: The Burn That Cures

Fireball: Make sure you have 3 Fireball cards by the time you get to the bouncy demons at the end. Once you bounce off the 3rd demon, look straight up and discard all 3 fireball cards to get the gift at the top of the tower.

Ringer: Jump on the first enemy in the level to get to the the fireball card without using the elevate card. From here turn around and use the elevate card to jump on to the roof to your left. Now jump on to the pillar and across to the right roof where you will now be able to reach the gift by using the fireball card.

Cleaner: You will have to get to the end of the level with 3 fireball cards & 1 godspeed card. You can do this by jumping over to the roof on the left after the first group of enemies to save one fireball card, then drop down to where teh second group of enemies are to get the second fireball card. Then jump off to the left where the 2nd head enemy is to get to the lower platform. After breaking through the red wood get a fireball card from the vending machine (if you are having trouble getting to the end of the level with the cards you can check out the video below). Once at the end of the level (just after picking up the godspeed card from the blue demon) use the 3 fireball cards to go towards the far tower with the gift on it, then finally use the godspeed card to reach it.

Warehouse: Found in the tower above the finish point (you will need 2 fireball cards to reach it).

Boom: Use the fireball card you find in the chest just before the finish point to get to the roof of the building to the left (where the final barrel is) to find the gift.

Streets: After the first head demon, pick up the fireball card (you should now have 2) then turn around and use both fireball cards to reach the gift.

Steps: First you will have to get to the barrel next to the end of the level with 2 fireball cards & 1 godspeed card, you can do this by dropping of the left of the building after killing the blue demon and then normal jumping to the barrel. After shooting the barrel while you are on it you will then have to use the 2 fireball cards to gain some height and then the godspeed card to get to the tower with the gift.

Demolition: Found on top of the big middle tower. You can get there by getting an elevate card from the vending machine to your right just after using the first bouncy demon. Then jump on to the small pillar with the normal demon on it and use 2 fireball cards and the elevate card.

Arcs: For this one you will have to get to the end part of the level with 3 stomp cards, you can do this by jumping through the window to your right at the 3rd waterfall (do not jump down the hole) and then shooting the 4 barrels after picking up the 2 stomp cards. After shooting the 4 barrels that are together you will be above the finish point where you will see a hole covered by wood you can break. Use the 3 stomp cards to go all the way to the bottom where you will find the gift.

Apartment: Found at the very top of the level under the bell. Just stand on the final barrel, shoot it and then use an elevate card to get it.

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Mission 6: Covenant

Hanging Gardens: After picking up the 2 purify cards that are together in the water, turn around and use them to climb the towers where

you can find the gift.

Tangled: After picking up the 3rd fireball card, drop down to your left to where the 2 head enemies are as well as a chest with another fireball

card in it. With 2 fireball cards with you, use the bouncy demons. Once you bounce off of the last one, look up and use the 2 fireball cards

to get to the top of the building where you will find the gift.

Waterworks: First you will have to exit the building with 2 godspeed cards (so only shoot the laser demon needed to break the red wood). Once

outside use the elevate card to get up to the platform to your left, then jump up to the higher platforms to your right to be able to get the

gift by using the 2 godspeed cards.

Killswitch: First get to the end of the level and get 2 elevate cards from the vending machine (you should now have 3). Now make your way back

through the levee sticking to the right and using the elevate cards when needed until you can jump up to a tower with the gift on it.

Falling: After using the first barrels to go up, stick to the left and walk around the side of the tower, you will then see some breakable wood

below, use the fireball card to break through and get the gift.

Shocker: Go all the way to the end of the level where you can see a building to your right below you just before using the final demon to get to the

end point. Jump down to this building. This is actually the same building you go through at the very start of the level, however you should now have

a fireball card to get the gift.

Bouquet: Use the florer demon just before the first red wodden door to dash off to the left where you can get the gift on top of a pillar.

Prepare: After killing the blue demon at the start and picking up the godspeed card, use the second flower demon to go left and the dash to the gift.

Triptrack: After killing the yellow enemy after jumping up with some barrels (and picking up the elevate card), turn around and go to the end

you will then see a platform in the distance. You can get to this platform by using the elevate card and the godspeed card you should have picked up just

after using the barrels.

Race: Where the first blue demon is, climb up the platforms to the left. From here dash to the gift.

Mission 7: Reckoning

Bubble: As soon as you get the 2nd purify card, look down to the left and fall in to the open arch of the building. Make sure you keep a purify card

to get up to the gift once you land in the arch.

Shield: Found on top of the tower where the finish point is. You will need 3 purify cards and 1 elevate card to reach the top.

Overlook: First make sure you get the elevate card from the vending machine (you should then have 2). Next use the final set of barrels to jump up to

the right where you will then be able to elevate up to another platform in front of yout. Then finally use godspeed to get to the plarforms where the

gift is found.

Pop: you will have to get to the end part of the water slide with 2 purify cards and 1 godspeed card. First get up on to the top of the arches before the

red door with 3 demons. From here dash to the top of the wall above the red door. Now use the 2 bombs from the purify cards to get to the gift.

Minefield: After killing the blue demon with the barrel, turn around and dash to the gift while you are still in the air.

Mimic: Just before entering the small room with the second mimic in it, jump on to the pot to your left and then across to the building where you came

from. Now jump on to the pot and jump to the roof of the room with the second mimic in it. Now dash across to the other roof with the godspeed card.

Finally you will be able to jump to the gift.

Trigger: After bouncing off the 5th bouncy demon, use 2 fireball cards to reach the gift.

Greenhouse: You will need to get to the final head demon with 2 elevate cards & 1 fireball card (you can do this by simply using the mimcs as platforms

to jump up to the platforms above). Just before the final head demon, use the 2 elevate cards and fireball card to get to the top of the tower to your

right to find the gift.

Sweep: After breaking the red door with the 3rd mimic, DO NOT jump down, instead use the purify bomb to jump up to the roof above the red door that you

just broke, then use an elevate card to get the gift.

Fuse: Use a fireball card to get to the slanted roof above the mimic connected to laser demons, then make your way around the left to find a green hand.

Touch the green hand to spawn some bouncy demons. Use these demons to get to another green hand that will teleport you to another level. Get to the end

of this level to find the collectible.

Mission 8: Benediction

Heaven's Edge: After breaking the first red door, use rockets to get to the top beams where you can find the gift.

Zipline: After bouncing off the first bouncy demon turn around and look for a floating structure you can grapple to, then use primary rockets to

get to the top (you can get here with 2 rocket cards by climbing to the window of the tall glass building with primary fire).

Swing: Just before the floating block that you grapple on to to get to the finish point, turn around and grapple to the gift.

Chute: From the platform where the first blue enemy is found, trun around and use rockets to get to the balcony of the building in front of you.

Now enter the right building and rocket jump up the waterfalls to find the gift.

Crash: After breaking through the first red wood. Use rocket jumps to climb the big glass building until you find the gift on one of the very high up

horizontal sections of the building.

Ascent: After the final bouncy demons, continue to climb the glass building above the finish point until you find a platform with a green hand on it.

After activating the hand, continue up by using the demons that have spawned. Once at the top you will find another green hand that you can activate to

teleport to a new area. The collectible is found at the end of this area.

Straightaway: First climb to the top of the tall glass building at the end of the level (just after the 3 water lanes). Then grapple across to the crane

where you can find the gift.

Firecracker: When you get to the part with a yellow demon on a glass platform, drop down to your left and you will see a glass tube going up the side of

the building in front of you. Climb up the inside of it with rockets to get the gift.

Streak: After the first bouncy demon, rocket jump up the building to your left until you see a vent you can go throughto your left, the gift will be in the room

the vent leads to.

Mirror: Close to the end you will come to a part where you have glass to your right and to your left with ammo cards around each side. Here you are going to have to get as much ammo as possible and rocket jump up to a small roof at the top of the left side glass.

Mission 9: Apocrypha

Escalation: After smashing through the second red wood on the roof, go to the left around the roof and drop to the lower roofs. From here go to the

corner closest to the tower with the gift on it. Now use 1 fireball + 1 elevate or godspeed card to get the gift.

Bolt: After picking up the dominion card, rocket jump to the top of the building from where the second eye demon on the wall is. Now turn around and cross

to the other building. Here shoot the red wood and then grapple up to get the gift.

Godstreak: In the area with the streak of blue enemies next to barrels, turn around as soon as you kill a blue demon and a yellow demon. Jump across the

rooftops, then use the elevate card to get to the higher roof at the end. From here use the godspeed card to get the gift.

Plunge: After getting the firebomb card from the bubble, look to your right and continue free falling until you are just below the building with

the breakable wood on it. As soon as you get under it use the fireball card to dash to the gift.

Mayhem: In the area where you see 2 head demons with 2 mimics below you, drop off and turn around, then use a fireball card to smash through the wood on the floor above you to find the gift.

Barrage: After killing the first yellow demon colose to the start of the level, turn around and use purify bombs and the elevate card to get to the house on your left to find the gift.

Estate: Found above you in the roof in the room with the fireball vending machine.

Trapwire: Near the end of the level, in the area where you shoot laser demons to destroy wood and reveal head demons with barrels. After revealing the head demon on the right, kill the demon and enter the hole. Here use 2 fireball cards to reach the top of the vent where the gift can be found.

Ricochet: Close to the end of the level you will bounce up using 2 flower demons, then kill a blue demon with some barrels that will launch you up in the air. As soon as the barrels explode look left and land on the roof, then dash to the gift with the godspeed card.

Fortress: As soon as you pick up the dominion card, go around the left of the castle. Here destroy the wooden door and boost yourself up to get the gift.

Mission 10: The Third Temple

Holy Ground: After picking up the first godspeed card, turn around and look to the left where you should be able to see a green hand on

a platform in the distance. Use the godspeed card to get there. After touching the hand you will get teleported to a new area. Finish

this area to get the collectible.

Mission 11: Thousand Pound Butterfly

Spree: In the area with the finish point, teleport to the yellow enemy and jump out of the window behind it. Now teleport

and to the round demons to reach the arch at the top with the gift.

Breakthrough: At the very start after getting the fireball card from the chest, boost yourself up to the balcony above you

to your right.

Glide: Save the elevate card you get from the first yellow enemy by dashing to the plant demon, then dash towards the head

demon and then use the elevate card to get to the roof above him / her when bouncing off to find the gift.

Closer: After getting the first rocket launcher card, DO NOT discard it to get the second rocket launcher, just use

3 normal rockets on the side of the building to then have 2 dominion cards. Now use rockets and grapples to get to the

top of the building aboce where you picked up the second rocket card.

Hike: For this one you will have to kill the first 3 yellow demons without using any elevate card (to accumulate 3). You can do

this by jumping off the buiding to your right to dash to the second yellow demon with the book of life and then walking up the

thin piece of wall and then jumping to see the 3rd demon for a split second where you can dash to it. Once you have 3 elevate

cards, turn around and use them to get to the building with the gift.

Switch: Found behind you as soon as you start. Use the demon flower to get it.

Access: After getting the fireball card from the vending machine (you should now have 2), you will have to jump on to the

pillar behind the vending machine and then on to the wall. This will allow you to bypass the red wall without using a fireball card.

Now continue through the level without using the fireball cards until you pass a yellow demon (do not kill it, since doing so will

make you lose the fireball cards). Now jump towards the building with the gift in it and use the 2 fireball cards to enter from

the bottom.

Congregation: Close to the end of the level, where all the enemies are on top of poles. Kill the 2 blue demons to have 2 godspeed cards.

Now look right and reach the wall with all the arches on it. Now drop down on to the visible platform to find the gift.

Sequence: In the second area with 3 red walls and lasers, hit the middle laser (just be careful with the mimic). Now enter

the new room to find the gift.

Marathon: Go behind the book at the end of the level to find a green hand. After touching it you will spawn demons that will allow you to get to the very top of the tower. At the top you will find another green hand that wil take you to a new area. At the end of the new area you will find the collectible.

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AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES - nirvanA Initiative All Eyeball Locations (Cornea Collector)


Oxide Room 104 He Who Seeks, Finds! Trophy Guide (Room 101 Key Location)