Basureroes: Invasion Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Basureroes: Invasion.
This game includes 37 trophies:
Complete all trophiesComplete all trophies
Time to take out the garbageComplete the main game story (any difficulty)
I can do this all dayBeat the Boss Rush mode (any difficulty)
Basureroe of timeComplete all the Time Attacks
CompletionistReach the 100% in a slot file
Heroes in a hurryBeat the time record of the Boss Rush (hard or hero mode)
Trust issuesDefeat the surrendering alien
SurvivorComplete Survival Mode (any difficulty)
True heroSave all the people in danger
Dog loverSave all the lost dogs
Time is relativeComplete 10 Time Attacks
Destroyer of invadersDefeat 1000 enemies
The plumber would be proudTrick the alien cat into falling into the pit to defeat him
Rock paper scissors masterBeat the Rock paper scissors game without losing energy
What are you waiting for?Stay 3 minutes inside a level without doing anything
The invasion startsBeat the first level of the game
That's no way to make friendsKnock down the janitor's water bucket on the spaceship
Masked versus DarkDefeat the Dark Garbageman
We've already finished?Defeat the potion alien in Milda's Forest
Labyrinth MasterComplete the Bananinja Temple labyrinth
Excess baggageDestroy all the baggage in the train, don't ask why
Main team reunitedYou've reunited the full main team of Basureroes
Heroes from the pastOriginal team members are back into action
New recruitsAll the main characters of the game jump into action
Second roundDefeat all the bosses again beating the three towers
Amateur heroSave one person in danger
HeroSave 30 people in danger
Your best friendRescue one lost dog
Dog friendRescue 10 lost dogs
SpeedsterComplete one Time Attack
You are not welcome hereDefeat 100 enemies
Do you need help?Lose 20 lives in a single slot file
Ready for his return?Hit the boxing bag 10 times in a row
He wouldn't do itLose a dog after trying to rescue him.
You found him!Find the Waldo lost in the sky
Arcade classicBeat the mini invaders from space in the Lost Honey Forest
Haven't you seen it?Lose a life after touching a skull clock in the Time Attack mode