Humankind Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Humankind.

This game includes 66 trophies:

Humankind platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Humankind gold trophy   - GOLD (1) Humankind silver trophy   - SILVER (0) Humankind bronze trophy   - BRONZE (64)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
Nec pluribus imparUnlock every trophy.
Humankind platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
Wonder-FullBuild every Cultural Wonder over several games.
Humankind gold trophy list
No Silver trophies!
Humankind silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
Midas TouchAmass more than 500k in money over several games.
Animal LoverAdvance from the Neolithic Era without hurting a single animal.
Welcome to the ClubAssimilate 5 Independent Peoples.
Everybody's friendBe allied with 3 or more players simultaneously.
ExtremistBe at maximum or minimum values on all Ideology axes simultaneously.
PacesetterBe the first to reach all six Eras in a single game.
From Zero to HeroBe first to reach a new Era after reaching the previous Era last.
FlawlessWin a game against an Expert Persona.
UnpluggedWin a game with the AI difficulty set to Normal.
CollectorCollect 20 Curiosities over several games.
PolymathResearch every Technology in a single game.
Key InfluencerAll Empire capitals are in your sphere of influence.
I'm a Lumberjack...Cut down 30 Forests in a single game.
Unbend the KneeDeclare war on your Liege.
BlasphemerDestroy a Holy Site.
Don't Know Much About HistoryDestroy a Cultural Wonder.
CartographerDiscover 5 Landmarks in a single game.
NeanderthalLose all your armies during the Neolithic Era.
Does Not Play Well With OthersEliminate all other players.
Trans-Siberian LoverEnd a game with a train network that stretches across 10 Territories.
All the ThingsExtract every Strategic Resource in a single game.
Talk to the HandFinish a game where you refused every received demand.
In Sargon's FootstepsFinish a game without losing a battle.
LandstalkerFinish a game possessing at least half the territories.
Material WorldGain trade access to all Strategic Resources in a game.
Nuclear PowerPossess 5 Nuclear Weapons.
Continental ShiftPossess cities on three continents.
NerdopolisProduce at least 1000 Science per turn in a city.
Just EatProduce at least 500 Food per turn in a city.
Industrial ActionProduce at least 500 Industry per turn in a city.
Money for NothingProduce at least 500 Money per turn in a city.
Eureka!Produce at least 500 Science per turn in a city.
MVPAchieve a 25 Unit killstreak with a single Unit.
Behold!Achieve twice the Fame of a surviving player at the game end.
Check my Bling!Gain access to all Strategic and Luxury Resources available on the map by any means.
Crossroads of the WorldPossess a Trade Route with at least 8 Empires.
Jack of All TradesPlay with six different Affinities in a single game.
One True FaithLead a religion which 8 or more Empires follow.
They Know Not What They AskWin a game without accepting a Civics Backlash.
Capital PunishmentNuke a capital.
HatchepsutAchieve 12 Builder Era Stars in a single game.
SejongAchieve 12 Aesthete Era Stars in a single game.
TimurAchieve 12 Expansionist Era Stars in a single game.
Antoine-AugustinAchieve 12 Agrarian Era Stars in a single game.
NikolaAchieve 12 Scientist Era Stars in a single game.
MoctezumaAchieve 12 Militarist Era Stars in a single game.
MegalopolisPossess a city that spans 20 territories.
Culture VultureObtain 3 Cultural Wonders through conquest.
Life of LuxuryPossess 5 Wondrous Luxury Resources.
Seven Wonders of My WorldConstruct seven Cultural Wonders in a single game.
Sí, PatrónReach a "Friendly" relationship with an Independent People.
RewilderRegrow 30 Forests in a single game.
SwordpayHire 5 armies.
Row, Row, Row Your BoatDiscover a continent before the Early Modern Era that no other Empire has visited.
Ave Caesar!Win 5 wars through your enemy's surrender.
Punching UpWin a battle with less than half Combat Strength of your opponent.
The Land of SmilesWin a game without Empire Stability falling into Unrest.
The Six-Turns WarWin a war in less than 6 turns.
No Man DownWin a war without losing any Units.
Rave CultureWin a game while keeping a Culture for four Eras.
An Endless CivilizationWin a game while keeping the same Culture through every Era.
The Meek Shall Inherit the EarthWin a game without declaring any wars.
Toe in the waterPlay 10 turns.
Heroic PatiencePlay 1000 turns.
Humankind bronze trophy list

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