Mechanita Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Mechanita.
This game includes 21 trophies:
MechanitaUnlock all other trophies.
Quarter CenturyFinish level twenty-five.
Thirty and RisingSurpass level thirty.
Persistent ExplorerOvercome level thirty-five.
Forty FortitudeReach level forty.
Almost ThereGet through level forty-five.
Master AchieverComplete level fifty.
Spear EnemyFace the spear enemy.
Vertical ShooterFace the vertical shooter.
Getting StartedPlay level five.
Double DigitsReach level ten.
AdventurerComplete level fifteen.
Twenty MilestoneConquer level twenty.
TrampolinerFace a trampoline enemy.
ShooterFace the shooter enemy.
Flying PlatformerFace the flying platformer.
Flying EnemyFace the flying enemy.
Path FollowerFace the path follower.
Fan EnemyFace the fan enemy.
First StepsPlay the first level.
Platformer EnemyFace a platformer enemy.