Midnight Murder Club Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Midnight Murder Club.
This game includes 31 trophies:
Midnight Murder MasterCollect all Midnight Murder Club trophies.
My Masterpiece is CompleteBank a Full Skull.
Dream TeamGet 20 or more kills as a team in a single Team Deathmatch game.
Murder MaestroKill 500 opponents.
Six Figures StolenDeposit 100 thousand dollars worth of skulls.
Hundred Man HealerRevive 100 teammates.
Close But No CigarDown 100 opponents.
Thief in the Night FivePlay 5 Thief in the Night matches.
Team Deathmatch FivePlay 5 Team Deathmatch matches.
Free For All FivePlay 5 Free For All matches.
One Man ArmyKill 5 opponents before dying in a Free For All Match.
Headhunters FivePlay 5 Headhunters matches.
Slice N DiceKnife 50 opponents.
Ping KingUse the ping feature 50 times.
Machine Gun KillyKill 20 opponents with the Machine Gun.
Shot in the DarkShoot an opponent with your flashlight off.
No Loot for YouKill an opponent opening a safe, ammo crate or toy chest.
Friend? or Foe?Get downed by a teammate.
Not So FastKill an enemy while they're reviving a teammate.
Close CallKill an enemy with the last round in your chamber.
Top ThievesWin a Thief in the Night match.
Deathmatch DominanceWin a Team Deathmatch match.
Double Digit DeathmatchGet 10 or more kills in a single Team Deathmatch game.
Free For All FerocityWin a Free For All match.
First BloodGet the first kill in a Free For All match.
The Curse ContinuesWin a Headhunters match as a Devil.
Totems TerminatedWin a Headhunters match as a Headhunter.
Fastest Knifeslinger In the WestAs a Headhunter, kill a Devil with your knife.
Taking the BaitAs a Devil, kill a Headhunter while they are destroying a skull.
A Coward Dies A Thousand Deaths, A Gamer Dies But One.. HundredDie a total of 100 times.
One Fell Off and Bumped Their HeadJump on the canopy bed in the Bedroom 20 times in one match.