Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero.

This game includes 50 trophies:

Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero gold trophy   - GOLD (2) Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero silver trophy   - SILVER (6) Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero bronze trophy   - BRONZE (41)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
Nippon Ichi CompletionistObtain all other trophies.
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
Cleared Chapter 15Clear the Final Chapter: Friends.
Legendary ChromaComplete 90 requests.
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
Super ShipshapeMax out any ship’s Lv. in the Marina.
The Complete WorksAcquire all sheet music.
Treasure HunterOpen all Treasure Chests on every stage.
Pirate HoarderCollect a total of 1 million BOR.
I Love ManaCollect a total of 1 million Mana.
Nothing but the BestObtain an item with Phantom rarity.
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
Cleared Chapter 1Clear Chapter 1: The Possessed and the
Cleared Chapter 2Clear Chapter 2: A False Reunion.
Cleared Chapter 3Clear Chapter 3: Curse of the
Cleared Chapter 4Clear Chapter 4: Frozen Limbs and
Cleared Chapter 5Clear Chapter 5: In the Lost Land of
Cleared Chapter 6Clear Chapter 6: Pirate Showdown.
Cleared Chapter 7Clear Chapter 7: Facing the Shipwreck
Cleared Chapter 8Clear Chapter 8: Island of Phantoms.
Cleared Chapter 9Clear Chapter 9: Return of the Queen.
Cleared Chapter 10Clear Chapter 10: Howling Eternal Love.
Cleared Chapter 11Clear Chapter 11: Parent and Child.
Cleared Chapter 12Clear Chapter 12: Miracle of Love.
Cleared Chapter 13Clear Chapter 13: Ash’s Battle.
Cleared Chapter 14Clear Chapter 14: Lost Memories.
Always Be CaperingJump over 1,000 times at the Base.
HeadacheJump on a character’s head over 100
I’ll Handle the DrinksMax out the Juice Bar’s distribution ratio
Phantoms’ BelovedBecome able to create every type of
First-Rate FuserUse Fusion over 100 times.
Master SalvagerUse Salvage over 100 times.
Symbol of FriendshipMax out Friendship with someone.
Phantom WhispererGive 30 presents.
Treasure EverywherePlunder over 100 items.
Secret Scroll FanAcquire 100 Secret Scrolls.
Map CollectorAcquire 100 Maps.
Take What Ye CanUse Lift to steal an enemy’s weapon
Journey’s First StepHave someone learn 10 Abilities.
Dungeon MasterTraverse a dungeon.
ConfriendConfriend for the first time.
AGAIN-st All OddsTrigger AGAIN! the maximum number of
O.B. ExpertTrigger O.B. over 30 times.
Far Beyond DamagedDeal 15,000 or more damage to enemies.
GamblerUse the Slot Machine Gadget 10 times.
Luxury BrandObtain an item with Legendary rarity.
Just Getting StartedReach Level 100.
My Father’s BladeRegain Apricot’s sword’s power.
Water Dragon BladeRegain Ash’s sword’s power.
No Phantom Left BehindClear 20 stages without any Downed
A Letter From DadRead Argento’s letter.
The Island of PiratesRead the newspaper article about the
Never Stop GrowingReincarnate or Awaken.
Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero bronze trophy list

Accolade Sports Collection Trophy List


Paintings restoration Trophy List