Solemn Warriors Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Solemn Warriors.
This game includes 12 trophies:
Crown of AgesComplete understanding of the medieval period in all its aspects
Squire's First StepTaking your first steps into medieval knowledge
Page's ScrollGrowing familiarity with medieval written culture
Craftsman's HammerUnderstanding of medieval economy and craftsmanship
Knight's ShieldSolid grasp of military aspects of medieval life
Merchant's ScaleUnderstanding of economic systems and trade networks
Monk's ChaliceDeep knowledge of medieval times monastery life and church influence
Royal ScepterExpertise in royal hierarchies and governance
Alchemist's StoneMastery of medieval technological and scientific developments
Crusader's CrossComprehensive knowledge of religious conflicts
Scholar's QuillDeep understanding of medieval intellectual life
Chancellor's SealMastery of complex political and legal structures
No Silver trophies!
No Bronze trophies!