Squab Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Squab.
This game includes 19 trophies:
Platinum SquabGet all other trophies
Saw EscapeOvercome the challenge of the saws
Ten TeleportationUse the portal ten times
Etetric TrapElectric ball exhaust
Five stonesFive falling stones escape
Trampole JumpUse the trampoline
Big SawOvercome the challenge of the big saw
Flare TrapOvercome the flame challenge
Clone JumpMeet the copycat challenge
Release the cap facing forwardFinish level 20
I don't like capsFinish level 40
TeleportationUse Teleport
Inversion BlockActivate the inversion block
DashUse dash for the first time
Thirty DashUse Dash thirty times
Check PointActivate a check point
One CristalCollect a crystal
Fall ThruFall off platforms
Jump BubbleStep on the bubble