Turbo Overkill Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Turbo Overkill.

This game includes 42 trophies:

Turbo Overkill platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Turbo Overkill gold trophy   - GOLD (2) Turbo Overkill silver trophy   - SILVER (14) Turbo Overkill bronze trophy   - BRONZE (25)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
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Turbo Overkill platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
Total RecallFinish Turbo Overkill
OverkilledFinish every level on Murder Machine
Turbo Overkill gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
Taking Out The TrashFinish every level on Street Cleaner or higher
Ultra ViolenceFinish every level on Serve Me Pain or higher
Keen HunterFind all Tech-Chips and Cassette Tapes
Kill 'Em AllGet 100% kills on every level
GroovyGet all weapons and upgrades on a single save slot
Fully EvolvedAcquire all augments on a single save slot
Pink MistFire a rocket, grab it with the plasma gun, and kill 5 or more enemies with it
Pacifist, Minus ChainsawsFinish Exodus without firing your hoverbikes minigun or lasers
Don't Scratch My RideFinish Infestation without taking a hit while driving the car
Run The GauntletFinish The Wastes on Serve Me Pain or higher without dying or reloading
No MawDefeat Maw on Napalm Blitz without taking a single hit or reloading
Rip and TearDefeat Ripper in under 5 minutes without dying or reloading
Skill IssueKill Maw and his minions in the final arena of Night Ride with chainsaws only
Gotta Go FastComplete Vector-4 in under 12 minutes
Turbo Overkill silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
I Will Have My VengeanceComplete Episode 1
Army of DarknessComplete Episode 2
Hasta La Vista, BabyComplete Episode 3
Can I Play, Daddy?Finish every level on Virgin Blood or higher
You Look Like A Good JoeFinish every level on Regular Joe or higher
You're A Disease And I'm The CureDefeat the Bounty Hunters
Event HorizonDefeat The Monstrosity
Fat WadsHave over 100,000 Zhen in your current account
Paradise Pile-upKill up to 8 enemies with 1 Waster explosive shot
Endless Pro 1Get beyond wave 20 on Endless on default settings
Endless Pro 2Get beyond wave 40 on Endless on default settings
Free Your MindStay off the ground for 30 seconds or more
Ion FuriousKill 15 or more enemies with 1 Ion Blaster beam
Mace Windon'tKill a Rammer with their own Mace
Rocket ManKill 10 or more enemies with 1 Launcher rocket
Dodge ThisKill up to 25 enemies while in Turbo-Time
Buddy, I Think You're SlimeKill Jazz with toxic slime
Better Things To DoKill Artifact-Zero in less than a minute
ChenisGet taunted by Maw at the secret splice terminal in Terminal Eclipse
Jimmy Eat YouGet eaten by Jimmy the worm in Outskirts
OverqualifiedGet denied entry to the No Chainsaws club in Battle Alley
RoboSharkGet eaten by a shark in Emergence
No More SplicingDestroy the haunted machine on Sunset Synthetica
No More GamesDestroy the arcade cabinet in Scrapyard
HalfpipeKill all enemies in the skate arena in Syn by only using your Chainsaw leg
Turbo Overkill bronze trophy list

Techno Banter Trophy List


Accolade Sports Collection Trophy List