Avowed All Collectible Locations

This guide will show you where to find every collectible in Avowed.

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There are a total of 98 Colletibles in Avowed. These are 20 Bounties, 5 Ancient Memories, 5 Strangled Adra, 4 Paragrun Caches, 20 Party Camps and 44 Fast Travel Becaons. Here are the locations.


Party Camp #1

Party Camp #2

Party Camp #3

Party Camp #4

Bounty Board. Grab the Bounty Quests from the board in Paradis. This will mark the Bounties on your map.

Bounty #1 (Nacib). Found at the end of the Ruinous Cavern dungeon to the west of Paradis.

Bounty #2 (Tempestuous Luandi). Found on the island to the south of Paradis.

Bounty #3 (The Yellowbands). Climb the wooden structure to the east of Paradis to get to the area with the Yellowband enemies. Defeat them and pick up every red item from the corpses.

Bounty #4 (Ralga). In the cave above The Falls.

Bounty #5 (Octav The Firebrand). Found in the Godless Ruins.

Remember to hand in the bounties by talking to the NPC next to the bounty board to get the rewards.

Ancient Memory

Strangled Adra. Found by going through the cave on the southeastern side of the region.

Paragrun Cache. Destroy any of the barrels to find the entrance to the Cache.

Fast Travel Beacon #1

Fast Travel Beacon #2

Fast Travel Beacon #3

Fast Travel Beacon #4

Fast Travel Beacon #5

Fast Travel Beacon #6

Fast Travel Beacon #7

Fast Travel Beacon #8

Fast Travel Beacon #9

Fast Travel Beacon #10

Fast Travel Beacon #11

Fast Travel Beacon #12

Fast Travel Beacon #13


Ancient Memory. Found at the top of the Ranger Outpost.

Pargrun Cache

Strangled Adra

Party Camp #1

Party Camp #2

Party Camp #3

Party Camp #4

Party Camp #5

Party Camp #6

Party Camp #7

Fast Travel Beacon #1

Fast Travel Beacon #2

Fast Travel Beacon #3

Fast Travel Beacon #4

Fast Travel Beacon #5

Fast Travel Beacon #6

Fast Travel Beacon #7

Fast Travel Beacon #8

Fast Travel Beacon #9

Fast Travel Beacon #10

Fast Travel Beacon #11

Fast Travel Beacon #12

Fast Travel Beacon #13

Fast Travel Beacon #14

Fast Travel Beacon #15

Fast Travel Beacon #16. Inside Fior Mes Inverno.

Bounty Board. Found in Fior Mes Iverno. Grab the quests from the board to mark the bounties on the map.

Bounty #1 (Belderreno's Lair). Found in the cave at river level to the southwest of Fior Mes Iverno.

Bounty #2 (Delemgan)

Bounty #3 (The Trantons). At the end of the path to the south of the Overgrown Homestead. Go past the camp and up the hill to your right.

Bounty #4 (Old Nuna). Found inside the Ancient Grotto.

Bounty #5 (Farm Xaurips). Found in the Abandoned Farms. If Fior Mes Iverno burns down, this bounty will autocomplete.

Once you have finished the bounties in the region, return to the NPC next to the bounty board to get your rewards.


Ancient Memory. Found at the top of the Overlook to the east of Thirdborn.

Strangled Adra. Found at the top of the Broken Crown Rock. Go around the side to climb up.

Paragrun Cache

Party Camp #1

Party Camp #2

Party Camp #3

Party Camp #4

Fast Travel Beacon #1

Fast Travel Beacon #2

Fast Travel Beacon #3

Fast Travel Beacon #4

Fast Travel Beacon #5

Fast Travel Beacon #6. Found inside Thirdborn.

Bounty Board. Read everything on the Bounty Board to start the 5 bounty quests and mark them on the map.

Bounty #1 (Kukae Maka)

Bounty #2 (Moi Piki)

Bounty #3 (Captain Tago)

Bounty #4 (Koda)

Bounty #5 (Chieftain Grithin). Found halfway up the Overlook. You may have found this bounty on your way up to the Ancient Memory.

Talk to the NPC next to the bounty board once you have finished all bounties to get your rewards.


Ancient Memory. Found in the Slumbering Field. Head through the branches and take the right path through the river by freezing the water. Then go through the cave to your right in the next opening to find the Ancient Memory on the other side.

Strangled Adra

Pargrun Cache. Head to the lava waterfalls near the norther border of the region. Here jump across to the cave next to the lava waterfalls and go through it to find the cache on the other side.

Party Camp #1

Party Camp #2

Party Camp #3

Fast Travel Beacon #1

Fast Travel Beacon #2

Fast Travel Beacon #3

Fast Travel Beacon #4

Fast Travel Beacon #5

Fast Travel Beacon #6

Fast Travel Beacon #7

Fast Travel Beacon #8

Fast Travel Beacon #9

Bounty Board. Examine the pages on the board in Solace Keep to start the bounty quests and mark them on the map.

Bounty #1 (Beetle Matriarch)

Bounty #2 (Congasar And Crusta)

Bounty #3 (Urvolnau)

Bounty #4 (The Sporeking)

Bounty #5 (Destul)

Once you have finished the bounties return to the NPC next to the bounty board to finish the quests and get the rewards.


Ancient Memory. Found to the south of the Broken Aqueduct.

Party Camp #1

Party Camp #2

Strangled Adra. From the previous camp, go north and drop off the edge to find the Adra.

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