Avowed All Fragments Of Starmetal Locations (Forged Of Star-Stuff Side Quest Guide)

This guide will show you where to find and what to do with the Fragments Of Starmetal in Avowed.

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To finish the “Forged From Star-Stuff” side quest in Avowed you will first have to find the 4 Fragments of Starmetal. You can find 1 in each region. Here are the locations.

Fragment #1. It is found on the altar in the southeast part of Dawnshore.

Fragment #2. It is found in the cave to the northeast of Fior Mes Iverno in the Emerald Stair region.

Fragment #3. Found on top of the southern cliffs of the Abandoned Mine to the North of Thirdborn in the Shatterscarp region. You can get into the Mine through a hole in the cliff on the southwest side. Once inside climb the ladder on the wooden structures on your left. Then jump across 2 gaps and slide through a hole. After climbing up 2 ledges with rope on them, go right and follow the top of the cliff to the south to find the Starmetal.

Fragment #4. Found in a crater in Ash Forest. This area can be found in the northwestern corner of Galawain’s Tusks.

Once you have all 4 Fragments, take them to the blacksmith in Solace Keep. You can find him by going down the ramp behind the massive statue in the middle of the room. With all 4 pieces, you will have enough Starmetal to make the 2 unique weapons and then ask him to refine them both.

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