Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector Trophy List
Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector.
This game includes 31 trophies:
STARWARD VECTORComplete all trophies.
THE GOOD THE BAD AND YU-JINFind the fraction drive without losing Yu-Jin.
HEXPORT EXPORTEscape Hexport before Laine finds you.
CORE CONSERVATORExtract the core from the Solheim Derelict cleanly.
CITY OF DARKNESSMake it through Darkside Recon without getting caught.
MEMORIES OF MAYWICKSet a three stage trap for the Hunter.
A SYSTEM IN CRISISComplete the game on DANGEROUS difficulty.
PAY YOUR WAYBuy the feed lines from Karsten in Hexport.
THE BETTER CREWBeat Vesna to the hidden wreck.
MEANS OF PRODUCTIONInspire a peaceful mutiny on the Headstream.
EVIL EXBring Bliss on your Darkside Recon.
SLEEPER PRIMEExtract the Prime Shipmind without alerting Conway.
STRANGER DANGERRefuse to hand over the drive from Hexport.
FRIEND OF A FRIENDRefuse to leave Marko on Darkside.
COLD NEVER BOTHERED MEExtract the ice core without spoiling the haul.
DUSTHOUSE BLUESRetrieve all three stepsilk husks from the wreck.
PILGRIM BLOOMDiscover the origin of Olivera.
THE DATA ARCHEOLOGISTRecruit Juni to your crew.
THE FREELANCERRecruit Yu-Jin to your crew.
THE SIGNALCHASERRecruit Luis to your crew.
THE SPINDLEJACKRecruit Kadet to your crew.
THE BIG BROTHERRecruit Femi to your crew.
THE LITTLE SISTERRecruit Nia to your crew.
THE FUGITIVERecruit Flint to your crew.
WHATEVER HAPPENS HAPPENSGet a positive outcome with a glitched dice.
MUSHROOM SAMBADecide not to clear the Cargo Bay out.
PROUD RIG OWNERUnlock all the possible Rig paint jobs.
INTERSPECIES SOLIDARITYMake a home for a stowaway.
BRAIN SCRATCHMeet the drone mind.
NOBODY'S PUPPETBreak free of Laine's grip, forever.
POSSIBLE FUTURESFinish rebooting your frame.