Botany Manor Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Botany Manor.

This game includes 36 trophies:

Botany Manor platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (0) Botany Manor gold trophy   - GOLD (1) Botany Manor silver trophy   - SILVER (12) Botany Manor bronze trophy   - BRONZE (23)
No Platinum trophies!
Botany Manor platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
The EndReach the end of the game
Botany Manor gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
Windmill WortGrow the Windmill Wort
FulguriaGrow the Fulguria
Ash PlumeGrow the Ash Plume
Pixie TearsGrow the Pixie Tears
WolfgloveGrow the Wolfglove
Sapphire GloomGrow the Sapphire Gloom
NightfallGrow the Nightfall
Brook ChaliceGrow the Brook Chalice
Cradle FernGrow the Cradle Fern
Springdance ShrubGrow the Springdance Shrub
OsciletteGrow the Oscilette
Fool’s EmeraldGrow the Fool’s Emerald
Botany Manor silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
Clean And TidyFlush the toilet
Who Needs A Plumber?Connect all the pipes
BoomCreate a faulty mix of chemicals
History SleuthFind the secret priest hideout
Grandmother's VaultOpen Grandmother's secret vault
LockpickerOpen the letter lock
Fixer UpperFix the orangery staircase
In The BinThrow a flower in the compost
MountaineerGo to the top of the tower
FroggerFind a way across the pond
Crack"Germinate the Ash Plume seed
Quack QuackInspect a duck
Taking A BreakSit down on a seat
Piano WomanPlay the harpsichord
Let me in!Shake a locked door
Quack Quack Quack QuackInspect every duck
Botanical ResearcherComplete all the plants in the Herbarium
Help?Signal S.O.S. on the telegraph
Flower ArrangingPlace a plant on every saucer in the Flower Room
Taking A NapSit on a seat for one minute or more
PhotographerTake a picture of a flower that's not the Fulguria
Green ThumbsGrow the same plant three times or more
Art LoverInspect Arabella's paintings
Botany Manor bronze trophy list

Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector Trophy List


The Stone of Madness Trophy List