The Stone of Madness Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in The Stone of Madness.

This game includes 41 trophies:

The Stone of Madness platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) The Stone of Madness gold trophy   - GOLD (3) The Stone of Madness silver trophy   - SILVER (15) The Stone of Madness bronze trophy   - BRONZE (22)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
The Stone of MadnessObtained all trophies
The Stone of Madness platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
TruthFinish Campaign 1 - The Corrupt Hand of the Church
HopeFinish Campaign 2 - The Gate of Saint Jerome
Per Aspera ad AstraUnlock all skills during a single Campaign
The Stone of Madness gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
The ExorcistExorcise 3 Animas using the Power of Faith
The Manhattan ClanUse Possession with 5 Gargoyles
Clucking to the choirUse Sermon to distract 3 or more chickens
Healing for the soulPlay a concerto with a working violin
The Face of MadnessExamine the Statue of St Dympna at full madness
Secrets and truthOpen all St George chests in C1
Secrets and FreedomOpen all St George chests in C2
PacifistComplete a campaign without killing anyone
A finding most strangeFinish Campaign 0 - Prologue
Knowledge is perfectionUnlock all of Alfredo’s skills during a Campaign
Swiss Army KnifeUnlock all of Leonora’s skills during a Campaign
Simple headologyUnlock all of Agnes’s skills during a Campaign
Who needs a cardboard boxUnlock all of Amelia’s skills during a Campaign
Beware the quiet manUnlock all of Eduardo’s skills during a Campaign
Black MagicCast Goetia on a poor soul
The Stone of Madness silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
A Terrible FatePray to St Dympna
Vow of PovertyUse Pickpocket 5 times
The game is afootInvestigate 3 Clues
Bridge fourBuild 4 plank bridges
Karnaca StyleGet rid of a corpse using Agnes’ Flies
The Sleep of ReasonSuffer a Shock
SubtletyUse Knockout 3 times
DespairSuffer 3 Shocks with the same character, on the same Campaign
Eggspensive!Give an egg to Aunt Of The Nest
His clothes are all blackAsk for help from the Man in the Hat
TrickshotUse Leonora’s Shot to activate a switch from a distance.
TurmoilCreate a panic situation
In Times of Need...Steal supplies during the night 3 times
A Time of Darkness, a World of FearCast a spell from a Gargoyle
A sin in a haystackComplete Chapter 1 of the Corrupt Hand Campaign
A gruesome discoveryComplete Chapter 2 of the Corrupt Hand of the Church Campaign.
A cure in the nick of timeComplete Chapter 3 of the Corrupt Hand Campaign
A scheme brought to lightComplete Chapter 4 of the Corrupt Hand Campaign
A hunt for the secretsComplete Chapter 1 of the Gate of St Jerome
A Dangerous EncounterComplete Chapter 2 of the Gate of St Jerome
A talk with the deadComplete Chapter 3 of the Gate of St Jerome
A run for the gatesComplete Chapter 4 of the Gate of St Jerome
The Stone of Madness bronze trophy list

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