Mizuchi Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Mizuchi.

This game includes 14 trophies:

Mizuchi platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Mizuchi gold trophy   - GOLD (10) Mizuchi silver trophy   - SILVER (3) Mizuchi bronze trophy   - BRONZE (0)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
Mizuchi TrophiesOrder (PSN)
Mizuchi platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
Find Me and Love MeAi's good Ending - Linh finds Ai again.
More Important than Air ItselfFirst kiss with Ai is magical underwater
Imperfect LoveAi shows her love when Linh feels flawed.
Powers Behold GoodbyesAi gains powers to manipulate minds and memories.
Future of Golden BlessingsAi's True Ending - Jinhai blesses their fairytale wedding.
First LoveFirst time deepening that love with Jinhai.
MizuchiAi's true form is a japanese water dragon.
Journey to the WestFriendship Ending - The trio heads off on an adventure together!
Bittersweet HopeJinhai's Good Ending - Jinhai feels lost, but Linh is there for her.
Family of MisfitsJinhai's True Ending - Ai finds them again.
Mizuchi gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
The Peach Blossom SpringA perfect idyllic moment in a yuritopia.
Catch Me When I FallJinhai catches Linh when she falls from a tree.
Forget Me NotFirst kiss with Jinhai during a beautiful sunset.
Mizuchi silver trophy list
No Bronze trophies!
Mizuchi bronze trophy list

Momodora: Moonlit Farewell Trophy List


Nerved Trophy List