Nerved Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Nerved.

This game includes 12 trophies:

Nerved platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Nerved gold trophy   - GOLD (11) Nerved silver trophy   - SILVER (0) Nerved bronze trophy   - BRONZE (0)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
Master of Bitterwood ForestYou don’t want to go back in there, ever again…
Nerved platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
TrainspotterWhat good is a train station if no trains are on the move?
Cabin AttackWhat a lovely weekend gateway
Birdcage whispererA bird without a cage is like a monster without a forest...
Bathrobe CleanerWhen a bathrobe has too much blood, the victim has gone bubble swathe...
Sleeping BeautySo now you are going to pretend like a detective?
Morgue BathWhen the whole forest feels like an open-air asylum...
The creeping brideDon’t mind her, she was on her way to her wedding...
Handy ManNow, you have to get your hands dirty in flux
The jazz enthusiastEnjoy your lobby music, sorry about the broken elevator...Look in the mirror instead...
Wifey RevengeYou are glad you helped her to take her revenge
The camperBefore the witches and camcorders, there were Nerved monsters...
Nerved gold trophy list
No Silver trophies!
Nerved silver trophy list
No Bronze trophies!
Nerved bronze trophy list

Mizuchi Trophy List


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