Quadroids Trophy List

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in Quadroids Trophies.

This game includes 25 trophies:

Quadroids Trophies platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) Quadroids Trophies gold trophy   - GOLD (6) Quadroids Trophies silver trophy   - SILVER (10) Quadroids Trophies bronze trophy   - BRONZE (8)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
Master of PuppetsUnlock all trophies.
Quadroids Trophies platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
Colonizer 05Complete mission 05-20.
OverclockedObtain 390 medals.
42Obtain all medals on Planet 5.
Quarkeologist 03Collect 75 Quarks.
Quarkollection 05Collect every Quarks on Planet 5.
QuadroicideLose 500 Quadroids.
Quadroids Trophies gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
Colonizer 03Complete mission 03-20.
Colonizer 04Complete mission 04-20.
Hyper-ThreadedObtain 200 medals.
HAL 9000Obtain all medals on Planet 3.
SkynetObtain all medals on Planet 4.
Quarkeologist 01Collect 25 Quarks.
Quarkeologist 02Collect 50 Quarks.
Quarkollection 03Collect every Quarks on Planet 3.
Quarkollection 04Collect every Quarks on Planet 4.
They will be rememberedLose 100 Quadroids... 100 more will come anyway.
Quadroids Trophies silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
Colonizer 01Complete mission 01-20.
Colonizer 02Complete mission 02-20.
Multi-ThreadedObtain 50 medals.
WOPRObtain all medals on Planet 1.
KITTObtain all medals on Planet 2.
Quarkollection 01Collect every Quarks on Planet 1.
Quarkollection 02Collect every Quarks on Planet 2.
A good Quadroid is a dead QuadroidLosing a Quadroid is only the first step to victory.
Quadroids Trophies bronze trophy list

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