The Tales of Bayun

Here you can see the full list of trophies that can be obtained in The Tales of Bayun.

This game includes 34 trophies:

The Tales of Bayun platinum trophy   - PLATINUM (1) The Tales of Bayun gold trophy   - GOLD (5) The Tales of Bayun silver trophy   - SILVER (11) The Tales of Bayun bronze trophy   - BRONZE (17)
platinum trophy PLATINUM TROPHY
The Tales of Bayun platinum trophy list
gold trophy GOLD TROPHIES
Death to Traitors!Marya kills Slimewhisker.
Nothing but AshesBurn down the village.
Secret MessageFind the unsent letter in Gloomcopse.
The DragonAwaken Zmey Gorynich.
Grand PrizeWin the amulet from Leshen.
The Tales of Bayun gold trophy list
silver trophy SILVER TROPHIES
Wears His Heart on His SleeveLutobor sacrifices his own heart.
Masters Begone!Kill Marya or take her to Zmey Gorynich.
DestinyComplete Lutobor's story.
Fallen GiantKill Dobromil.
The Price of FreedomComplete Zhdan's story.
Interrogation ExpertFerret information out of the Hordeling.
Kick On the BacksideProvoke Danila the Artisan.
Smarter than the GodsOutsmart Golden Poloz.
MadmanTravel into the woods to Nekras.
The Way of the SnakeBecome the servant of Golden Poloz.
Behind Stone WallsHide in Kamnegrad.
The Tales of Bayun silver trophy list
bronze trophyBRONZE TROPHIES
Bitter MedicineCure Golden Poloz's mark.
ArchivistOpen all entries in the Glossary.
Poor HelpGive Gorazd the water lily or entrails.
Around the WorldTake the water lily from Yaga, then give it back later.
Big CityReach Yarograd.
BoyarBecome a boyar.
Unfit for WorkBoleslav puts Zhdan to death.
Runaway BrideMiryana rejects Zhdan's marriage proposal.
Just a DreamWake up after the feast in Kelty.
The MarkGet Golden Poloz's mark.
DecisionChoose a path in the conversation with the Malachite Maid.
Why Not?Take a drink in Zhdan's chambers.
DrunkardDrink alcohol at least 10 times.
Nightmare SurvivorRetain your sanity after Golden Poloz's nightmare.
All Bets Are OffLose all items to Lessen.
One Wedding, Two FuneralsAllow the death of Mirjana and Raven at the wedding.
AwakeningWake up in Zhdan's chambers.
The Tales of Bayun bronze trophy list

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